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Director's Message

Ambrose Tarus

Bishop Dr. Philip Rono, Director

I was called by God in 1999 May 13 when I was serving as a Pastor of congregation, God spoke to me about the people who are struggling with alcohol and drug abuses. I was shocked, why?, it is because I once was a victim, I tried so much to refuse the call, but God insisted of which later I said "Yes I will go!". And God gave me a verse in Mark 9:36 "When He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd". Immediately my heart was full of Love and Compassion on the addicts

At Haven Recovery Centre we lay emphasis on Love and freindship as the Key to human relations. You can respect one another without being in agreement on a range of issues. Apostle Paul practised these prinsciples of "Respect without Compromise" for he was walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ

I wanted people to discover that Jesus Love is the main topic of touching people's lives. He is a person of great interest to Christians as well as Muslims. The Bible as well as the Koran, Islams holy holy book gives Jesus a supreme position. At Haven Recovery Centre we see every human being as God's creation, we don't judge, for God Loves the whole world, "I mean the whole world" and gave HIS ONLY ONE JESUS to come to us. To be sacrificed for us, that we could be forgiven of all our sins. He gives us freedom from the bondage of every kind of addiction and character defects.

Since then we have seen thousands of people set free at Haven Recovery Centre. Families are restored back, people who lost their jobs or were almost losing their jobs regaining back their jobs

I want to welcome anybody who wants to be part of this Noble Mission! Who feels that God wants to use him or her for purposes of touching and saving souls.
Please feel free to contact me through Phone: +254-722620511, Email: philiprono@havenrecoverycentre.com


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