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Our Facilities

Siloam Men's Dormitory Side View

Compound: Haven Recovery Centre Complex

Haven Recovery Centre sits on 1acre land surrounded by trees and forests. It's located in an isolated area, quite and condusive for personal inventory taking and reflecting on ones own past life, at the same time it gives you an opportunity to chart your new path of life, renew your relationship with God, seek God and know Christ Jesus. Situated almost 200 meters from the main road, we know no noise nor unneccessary distructions. We boast of a seren natural environment second to none full of fresh air and surrounded by vast tracks of farm land. We have no electricity fence nor longeted sky rocketing wall fences, instead we have just a simple barbed wired fence. We have done this deliberately, so that our clients can have that home feeling and not feel like they're . This gives our clients a sence of freedom and relaxation, hence contributes a great deal towards fascilitating their recovery.

Compound It is the bomb environment for recovery

Chapline Hall

The hall doubles up as TV watching room.

Compound Compound


We have two dormitories for men and one dormitory for ladies



We have two gazebos. Condusive for lectures, relaxation and prayer sessions

Compound Compound

Administration Block

Water System


Water System

Water System

Water is piped in every corner of the compound, inside the bathrooms and inside queens dormitory.

Water System

Power System

Solar Power & Generator

Compound Compound


Water System

Medical Room

Water System

Kitchen & Stores

Water System


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