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We warmly invite you to partner with us, as follows: Let's touch & save souls

Outreach Programs


Support outreach in school,where we do prevention.

Bomet Branch


Support outreach in school,where we do prevention

Wives and children of Alcoholics

In Kenya wives takes a big responsibility of children if a father is a alcoholic or drug abuser. So our main focus is to help wives and children of the people suffering from addiction, alcohol and drug abuse. We find most children are drop out in school not because they can't make it but because school fees is so difficult to be paid. Let's help wives of alcoholic in giving them hope.

Bomet Branch

Wives and children of Alcoholics

Let's Support & help wives of alcoholic in giving them hope.


Men Dormitories

Currently we have two dormitories for men. Siloam & Nyati. We desire to do proper finishing for Siloam dormitory such as ceiling boards, floor tiles, internal washrooms and bathroom. As for Nyati Dormitory you realize that it's a make shift of iron sheets. So far it's serving us by accomodating 20 clients at maximum capacity, however we beleive we could do better and therefore we desire to have a dormitory built exactly where the current make shift is standing.

Bomet Branch

Siloam Dormitory

Finishings needed: Ceiling Board, Floor tiles, Washrooms, Solar Panels

Bomet Branch

Nyati Dormitory

Our Desire & Plan: to construct a new dormitory exactly where this one is standing.

Ladies Dormitory

Currently we have one dormitory for ladies called Queens. Its attached to the Chapel Hall. We desire to build a separate dormitory for ladies fully equiped and fit for queens and leave the current space for office purposes. We intent to use the current dormitory for ladies as offices for our Chaplain, counsellors & training staff.

Bomet Branch

Queens Dormitory

It's attached to this Chapel Hall. Last section near the gazebo herein: We desire to build new dormitory for queens

Resource Centres

Resource Centre In BOMET county, South Rift

We are currently building a Haven Recovery resource centre in Bomet county, south rift as shown in the photo herein. We intend to use this centre to assist people, families and communities access resources for those facing addiction problems. We have several of our clients from this region, Bomet south rift, who voiced concern of distance to our Main complex. God willing, it is our desire to role out such resource and satelight centres country wide.

Bomet Branch

BOMET county, South Rift

This centre is currently under construction and this as far as we have reached.

Other Areas You can support

Sponsor a client

Some of our clients face serious financial challenges. Due to this they are not able to finish the 90 days program. Some of them opt for shorter periods of the program like one or two months, or even less than that. The setback or challenge with this, is that the client does get the full benefit of the program since the program is desingned in such away that one phase leads to the next phase. Therefore if one does not go throuhg the whole program, then recovery becomes abit elusive.

Bomet Branch

Needy Clients

Sponsor a needy Client.


Sponsor a needy client Sponsor Our Programs